Thursday, January 17, 2008


I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! We did! We were in MS for a week so we had a great visit in Starkville, got to go to Tupelo and see all Christian's family and the guys got to hunt for 3 days! It was great! Here are few pics from all the different Christmas get togethers!
Christmas Day in Tupelo! It was Freezing cold but she had to be outside with all her older cousins. She stole Ally's new tricycle and took it for a ride and then she thought she would try on Julia Hope's helmet! She loved watching all the older kids!

Santa brought Anna Clayton everything she would ever need for Itty Bitty Baby or baby Kate as we call her! This is baby Kate in her new bouncy seat! We need another bedroom just for baby Kate! Ha!

Baby Kate and Ava hanging out! Anna Clayton wore herself out trying to keep up with Amber taking care of Ava. It was so funny!

Anna Clayton and her cousins Bonner and Browning Hewlett

1 comment:

Kelly Family said...

I am so glad you are back online! I love the new to you soon.